A boy-mom, plant-lover, chocolate aficionado.

A laugh-too-loud lover of happy chaos, big dogs, and baby giggles. 

I'm Morgan...

I'm on a journey as a mom of two, learning a little better each day that the best things in life aren't things.
They aren't big, flashy important moments either.
The best things in life are the ordinary, quiet, miraculous parts of my normal life.

The way my little one sticks out his tongue when he concentrates or finds me every 13 minutes and lays that fluffy head against my shoulder because "I need a hug." It's the way my oldest's smile keeps changing with every lost tooth and how his eyebrows still carry that incredible range of expressions just like they did when he was brand new. And how ridiculously long and lanky those limbs are getting.

I'm on a quest not just to capture these moments more, but to notice them more...to pause a few moments every day to really see my world. Because they truly make this life worth living. 

A questionable housewife who almost always says yes to messy crafts and park adventures before laundry, vacuums, or meal prep. 

A wearer of a few too many hats who worries most days about how I'll ever remember the everyday gifts and simple beauties that are all around me. 

Just like YOU...

My boys, My Joys

My Life in Pictures...

Pictures of my past are my most prized possessions. They help me feel my past all over again.  

I swear I can feel my mother three decades younger, pressing her nose into my forehead when I was just a year old.
I re-experience the butterflies I had when my handsome new boyfriend put his arms around me and squeezed me into that laughing hug.
I return to my welling eyes and the way my heart was flying as my dad smiled that heartbreaking smile and walked me down the aisle.
I inhale the sweet newborn smell and remember how fragile and full of gratitude we felt just 5 days into our journey as parents.
I hear my grandpa's laugh after he was declared the victor at our family game day…and I cherish that photo as the last I have to document his time on earth.
I remember the terror and wonder of life in the NICU with my second precious baby...and the way I couldn't hold back the flood of joy I felt as we finally put him in his big brother's arms and got our first family picture almost a month later. 

These moments are the reason that photographs matter.  They are why I feel so called to capture authentic memories for others.  
They are what quicken my spirit and call me into the fields, into the city streets, into the homes around me to capture what is true, precious, and fleeting, and to preserve it for all time.

Find out more about our crazy tribe
Get a behind-the-scenes look at my business
See my houseplants and housekeeping faux pas

My crazy tribe
Biz behind-the-scenes
and housekeeping faux pas

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So, that's me! 
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